
Frequently Asked Questions

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The All-On-4® Teeth in a Day procedure allows most patients to have their remaining teeth removed, implants placed, and a beautiful, fixed, functional smile delivered over the course of a single day! This procedure has the ability to not only give patients a beautiful smile, but also give them a fresh outlook on life. We see countless patients who are suffering with mouths full of extensive decay, failing old dental work, and broken teeth. For these patients, All-On-4® Teeth in a Day is the perfect solution to obtain a new smile and fix the dental problems that have plagued them for years.


Most patients will be a candidate for this procedure, even those who have been told they don’t have enough bone for dental implants. Your doctor will use a combination of straight and angled implants to avoid the sinuses and engage the strongest bone. Using this technique usually removes the need for expensive and lengthy sinus augmentation bone grafts.

Your doctor will perform a thorough evaluation during your free consultation to see if All-On-4® Teeth in a Day is an option for you.

Yes! However, while your implants and teeth are securely placed from day one, we do ask that you maintain a soft diet during the 4 month healing period. What exactly does that mean? A good general rule is you can eat anything you can cut with a plastic fork. The reason for this is that you are investing in something that could last you many decades, even the rest of your life, and maintaining a softer diet during the healing period will allow the best integration of your implants into your bone and help ensure the best long-term outcome.

Your final teeth will be made of either nano-ceramic or zirconia. While most offices still place outdated acrylic titanium hybrids for their final bridges/teeth, our office makes them out of nano-ceramic or zirconia. These are digitally designed and milled. This allows us to have a digital file of your teeth saved for the future in the rare case you did have a tooth fracture or wear down. If you choose another office, make sure you know what kind of teeth you will be getting. If you do get acrylic denture teeth with a titanium bar at another office, expect to have staining around your teeth and to replace them every 5-10 years. Also, make sure you know how much you are going to pay for the surgery, temporaries, and final teeth. Many offices will charge you a surgery/temporary fee only for you to find you owe an additional $5,000-$15,000 for your final teeth.


At Clarksville Dentures and Implants, we have the same advantages of the corporate implant centers by limiting our practice to dental implants and prosthetics. We have an in-house lab, competitive pricing, and same day teeth. However, we are privately owned, and every patient will be seen by our doctor. We focus on the satisfaction of our patients instead of monthly quotas, cost cutting, and shareholders. At the corporate implant centers, there is no guarantee that you will be treated by the same dentist that has the great reviews or your friend recommended you see. Our doctor oversees your procedure from beginning to end and the team at Clarksville Dentures and Implants will do everything to make sure you are happy with your smile and take care of you like family.

We do not currently put patients to sleep, however, we do offer oral conscious sedation. This medication will help to relax you and often makes it so you don’t even remember your procedure. For this, we write you a prescription, and you can pick it up at your pharmacy of choice. NOTE: You MUST have a driver for this procedure, someone who can drive you after you have taken your oral sedation pill(s). You MUST NOT operate a motor vehicle or any machinery after taking your medication.

What makes us different?

  • Specializes In Dental Implants and Full mouth restoration 
  • Proficient Doctor
  • Better Dental Experience. No judgments. No high-pressure selling.
  • Highest standard of first class dental care
  • In-house Lab to provide top-notch affordable and customized solutions
  • Advanced Dental Technology to increase your comfort.

Complete the smile assessment below to see if you qualify for an implant treatment!

* Please note that dental implants are NOT covered by Medicaid and our offer Is for a consultation and NOT a GRANT.

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