

New smiles in as little as one day.


  • Replace all of the bad or missing teeth in the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both

  • FIXED (NON-REMOVABLE). Doesn’t come in and out of the mouth like a traditional or Snap-in dentures do. And you never have to use another denture adhesive
  • No long healing times before you can use your dental implants. Securely attached to your implants from day one. 

  • No gagging. Doesn’t cover the roof of the mouth! This also allows you to taste your food normally.

  • Best chewing capability of all full arch/full mouth tooth replacement options.

  •  Easiest to get used to. Closest option to natural teeth, both esthetically and functionally.

Why choose us for Dental Implants?

We offer a complete dental service that takes care of everything under one roof. Our team handles teeth extraction, implant placement, bone grafting, and the creation of new teeth. We aim to provide a seamless experience that meets your dental needs, so you don’t have to go to another dental office or coordinate with multiple providers. Our professionals guarantee exceptional results and will work with you to achieve your desired confident smile.




Why ALL-ON-4® Teeth in a day dental Implants ?

The All-On-4® Teeth in a Day procedure allows most patients to have their remaining teeth removed, implants placed, and a beautiful, fixed, functional smile delivered over the course of a single day! This procedure has the ability to not only give patients a beautiful smile, but also give them a fresh outlook on life. 

We see countless patients who are suffering with mouths full of extensive decay, failing old dental work, and broken teeth. For these patients, All-On-4® Teeth in a Day is the perfect solution to obtain a new smile and fix the dental problems that have plagued them for years. 


How does the Procedure work?

Our advanced implant procedure involves the use of 4-6 implants per arch, specially angled to avoid any complications, eliminating the need for costly bone grafts and lengthy healing times.

At Clarksville Dentures and Implants, we are committed to providing the best possible outcome for our patients. Our experienced doctor has modified the traditional “All-On-4®” procedure to ensure even better results, customized for each individual patient based on their unique anatomy. 

With temporary fixed bridges and zirconia or nano-ceramic teeth, not only will your new smile be stronger and more natural-looking than traditional acrylic dentures, but it will also be more hygienic and resistant to staining. 

Trust in our state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technology to provide your doctor with a digital file of your teeth for easy replacement if needed.

 Get ready to smile confidently with our advanced implant procedure!

Start Enjoying Your New Smile From Day One

Are you tired of waiting months or even years for your dental implant procedure to be completed? With the All-On-4® Teeth in a Day procedure, you can start enjoying your new smile the same day your implants are placed! Imagine being able to speak, eat, and smile confidently with your new teeth right away. Not only is this procedure convenient, but we also offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Our highly trained dentist and in-house dental lab technician ensure that you receive the best possible care and materials for your perfect smile. Say goodbye to acrylic denture teeth over titanium bars and upgrade to zirconia or nano-ceramic for a beautiful, durable, and stain-resistant smile. At Clarksville Dentures and Implants, we make excellence our standard.


Complete the smile assessment below to see if you qualify for an implant treatment!

* Please note that dental implants are NOT covered by Medicaid and our offer Is for a consultation and NOT a GRANT.


Most patients will be a candidate for this procedure, even those who have been told they don’t have enough bone for dental implants. Your doctor will use a combination of straight and angled implants to avoid the sinuses and engage the strongest bone. Using this technique usually removes the need for expensive and lengthy sinus augmentation bone grafts.

Your doctor will perform a thorough evaluation during your free consultation to see if All-On-4® Teeth in a Day is an option for you.


It all starts with a free consultation. We’ll take a 3D scan of your jaw and the doctor will examine your mouth to see if the All-On-4® Teeth in a Day procedure is right for you.


The process typically takes 4-6 hours depending on whether one arch or both arches need treatment, and our team ensures that your temporary bridge(s) are securely attached before you leave our office. To allow for optimum healing time and ensure the closest possible fit for your final bridges, you’ll wear your temporary bridge(s) for four months while the implants integrate with your bone and your gums heal into a stable, long-term position. Following the four months, we’ll work alongside you during a few appointments over a 5-6 week timespan to design the smile you’d like for your permanent teeth. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and provide you with a beautiful and functional smile that lasts a lifetime.


This life-changing procedure was pioneered by Portuguese dentist Paolo Malo in the 1990s. Since then, this procedure has safely been performed on hundreds of thousands of patients and has been improved upon to what you see today.


Full Arch Implants FAQs

What is unique about this procedure, and what allows us to attach to your implants from day one, is that all of your implants will be rigidly splinted together by your new teeth (the implant bridge). Splinting them together prevents the micro-movement of the implants that can lead to failure early on. Basically, your implants and bridge all support each other.

Your dental implants will be made of titanium, the same material used in artificial hip and knee joints, so your jawbone will naturally grow around and attach to them over time.

Usually the surgery takes about 1.5 hours per arch. Then, the lab portion of making the teeth takes about 2 hours. If we start in the morning, for a single upper or lower arch patients are usually done around lunch time. If we are replacing both top and bottom teeth, we usually finish around 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon. Most of this time is waiting for the teeth to be made in our lab and trying them in to ensure your smile is just right. It is a long day, but will definitely be worth it in the end!

Caring for your teeth is very easy, but consistency is key. Just like we’re supposed to brush and floss natural teeth, we should do the same with our All-On-4® teeth and implants. A few minutes a day is all it will take to keep your mouth and implants healthy. Brushing your bridges with a soft bristle tooth brush and cleaning under them with a water flosser (WaterPik is a very popular, well-known brand) a few times a day is all it takes.

Smoking can increase the risk of implant complications, so we recommend not smoking with dental implants. Diabetics should also be aware of an increased risk for complication with dental implants. Controlling your diabetes is very important for the long-term success of your implants.

Other than that, simply follow up with your doctor regularly throughout the year for quick evaluations of your new implant teeth.

We see many patients that currently have dentures they are unhappy with. These are usually great candidates for the All-On-4® Teeth in a Day dental implant procedure.

We do everything possible to ensure you love your new smile. The teeth you get the same day of surgery are only a temporary/transitional set. When we fabricate your final teeth, you will have full control of the design and appearance of your teeth.

While this is a good service for many patients, in the rare case of complications or teeth breaking, it is very difficult to deal with if you traveled thousands of miles away or even out of the country. Most local offices will not be willing to fix these out of town offices work. A major advantage of having a transitional set of fixed teeth on the day of your surgery is you get to test them out and see what you like/don’t like. For the final zirconia or nano-ceramic teeth we can do try-ins to ensure that your teeth look exactly like you want them to look. While it’s great to get your final teeth immediately, it does come with some serious downsides that cannot be overlooked.

This will vary from patient to patient, but, overall, the recovery period is shorter and easier with this procedure compared to other full arch or full mouth replacement options. This is mainly thanks to the bridges being attached directly to your jaws via your implants. Traditional dentures and implant dentures both require healing periods during which time the dentures are able to move and cause sore spots. Your pain should subside for the most part within 1-2 weeks, with complete healing typically after 6 months.

You should come in every 6 months to have your teeth/implants checked and cleaned. This will help ensure the longevity of your new teeth and implants.

While experiences will vary some, you should expect some discomfort and possibly swelling after your procedure. Many patients come in the next day for their post op appointment reporting very little discomfort. You will be prescribed pain medication to help alleviate any discomfort. Also, if you’re a candidate for it, the doctor will give you a steroid shot which will help with discomfort and swelling for the first few days.

While titanium dental implants do have a 95+% success rate, yes, they can still fail. Some of the things that can cause them to fail:

  • failure to integrate into the bone

  • smoking

  • diabetes

If an implant fails within the first year, your dentist will replace it at no charge to you.

Most cases will be attached immediately. In certain situation, mostly dependent on your bone quality and quantity, we will not be able to attach your bridge(s) the same day and you will need to wear a temporary healing denture while your implants integrate into the bone. Your doctor go over this in-depth at your evaluation.

Significant bleeding will have stopped before you leave the clinic, however, expect to have some slight bleeding (oozing) for 1-3 days after the procedure. In addition, you will most likely notice increased salivation when we first put your temporary teeth in. When this increased saliva mixes with a little blood, it can look like a lot of blood. If heavy bleeding continues, please call the office

Of all full arch replacement options, All-On-4® tends to have the shortest time required before returning to work. Generally 4-7 days is sufficient. With that said, since there is always the chance of bruising and swelling, and you’ll need to get used to eating and speaking with your new teeth, the longer you can take off, the better.

  • ice packs

  • wash cloths you don’t mind throwing away

  • comfortable clothes you don’t mind throwing away

  • soft foods (a good rule is you can eat anything you can cut with a fork)

While there will be moderate pain, it is similar to the pain of dental extractions. We use a combination of medications to help control pain and keep our patients as comfortable as possible.

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