

Worried about having to go in public without teeth while you heal from extractions?Problem solved! We offer same-day immediate dentures.

What are immediate dentures?

These are dentures which are placed immediately following the removal of your remaining natural teeth, either upper, lower, or both. They’re made right there in our on-site denture lab. That means no long waits without teeth. At Clarksville Dentures and Implants, we also include a package to help you adjust to and function with your dentures as you heal from your procedure. This includes a series of soft linings / soft re-fittings and a final long-term re-fit after you have finished healing.

What are the advantages of immediate dentures?

  •  No need to go without teeth. Leave our clinic with new teeth the same day your old teeth are removed.* Help control swelling
  •  Help control bleeding
  • Help you start getting used to dentures right away. The alternative is getting used to being toothless while your extraction sites heal, then still having to learn to function with dentures once you’re healed.

Immediate Dentures Pricing.

Premium – $2,495 set / $1,245 single denture
  • Strongest, most durable teeth

  • Most life-like appearance

  • Most stain resistant

  • 6 year warranty

Immediate Dentures FAQs

As the name implies, immediate dentures are those which are placed immediately after your natural teeth are taken out. They help control swelling and bleeding; they act like bandages over your extraction sites.

The process typically takes 6 months, but can take longer for some patients.

  • Impressions are taken before your procedure with your natural teeth still present. From these impressions, your dentures are fabricated.
  • Procedure – your teeth are removed and your new teeth are placed.
  • Series of soft liners (soft re-fittings) over 6 month healing period.
  • Final re-fit (processed hard reline) at end of 6 month healing period.

The experience will be different for each patient, but it does require patience and practice. Your mouth will be going through significant changes over the 6 month healing phase. Remember, it does get easier with time and we are here for you throughout the process.

Cut your food up into small pieces, chew small bites, and chew with food on booth sides of your dentures to even out your bite.

This is normal with immediate dentures. Your gums and jaws will shrink down after extractions. This leaves space between your dentures and gums. We place soft liners in your dentures to fill in this extra space. This should help them fit and feel better as you heal.

Yes, lower dentures are more difficult to function with than upper dentures. The movements of your tongue and cheeks tend to push and pull on your lower denture and dislodge it. Talk with your doctor to see if you’re a candidate for lower implants. They help tremendously with lower denture fit and function.

Yes, the palate of a full upper denture covers the taste buds on the roof of the mouth reducing your taste sensitivity.

  • Clean them daily with antibacterial hand soap and either a denture brush or a very soft bristled tooth brush
  • Store them in water when not in use

  • Either denture cleaner or antibacterial handsoap and either a denture brush or very soft bristled tooth brush. Scrub them at least once a day
  • Soak them in a denture cleanser (optional)
  • Ultrasonic cleaner

Yes, we do recommend taking your dentures out when you sleep and also whenever you can throughout the day. This gives your gums time to “rest” and get natural, cleansing saliva flow to them. Also, if you naturally grind your teeth, taking your dentures out will help you increase their usable life significantly.

No! Do not boil your dentures to clean them. The heat can warp your dentures. If this happens, you will have to replace them.

Yes, your dentures are made from acrylic teeth and an acrylic base. While these materials are very strong, they can be damaged. Be careful not to drop your dentures, especially onto porcelain sinks, ceramic tiles, etc.

One of the most common ways dentures are damaged beyond repair is when a dog (or sometimes cat) gets ahold of them. Pets and animals love to chew on dentures and can often damage them beyond repair very quickly. Be extra careful to put your dentures up where your pet can’t get to them.

Yes, in most cases they can. One of the great features of acrylic dentures is the ease and affordability of repairing them compared to other materials. And in most cases, repairs can be completed the same day.

Yes, any prosthetic in the mouth will get some amount of food under it. The convenient thing about dentures is how easy they are to clean. Just take them out; clean the denture(s) and your gums; and place them back in.

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